Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blogging Classifications and Communities

Classification of blogs

Blogs are classified through their different themes and ideas. Technorati (2008) has separated such ideas and categorized them into six different topics: (1) entertainment, (2) business, (3) lifestyle, (4) politics, (5) sports and (6) technology.

Through different ways, blogs have evolved from ordinary to:

- vlogs: video blogs
- linklogs: a collection of URLs and hyperlinks
- sketchlogs: a collection of sketches
- tumblelogs: a linklog with more media and post types
- mblogs: blogs written with mobile phones and PDAs
- photoblogs: blogs mainly with photographs
- Phlog: rare blogs hosted on the Gopher Protocol

(Wikipedia.org, 2008)

Margaret Simmons, an author and media analyst spoke on the taxonomy of blogs in a media report. According to her, there are:

- Pamphleteer blogs
- Digest blogs
- Advocacy blogs
- Popular mechanics blogs
- Exhibition blogs
- Gatewatcher blogs
- Diary blogs
- Advertisement blogs
- News blogs

(ABC.net.au, 2008)

These different types of blogs sometimes share different layouts and design elements (e.g. less white space on photoblogs as less text is in place). This is taken into consideration as "function needs form in order to accomplish its goal. Form without function is just a pretty piece of paper. " (Bear J.H., 2008).

Methods to build blogging communities

Creating an account at blog hosts such as Xanga.com and Friendster Blogs is one way to join the community, or, to create your own. Bloggers without communities (e.g. Blogger.com, Wordpress.com) can also create one with MyBlogLog.com, a service provided by Yahoo.com to get readers as part of your community.


Blog, Wikipedia.org, viewed 10 November 2008,

Bear JH, Form and Function in Design and Publishing, About.com, viewed 10 November 2008,

Linklog, Wikipedia.org, viewed 10 November 2008,

Simons R, A Taxonomy of Blogs, ABC.net.au, viewed 10 November 2008,

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